Abha Bhán Drama Group opened the new season at Glórach with two superb performances of SIVE this weekend. It was an honour to have such a wealth of talent in our midst and a standing ovation on both nights paid tribute to the themes of love, loss and desperation so well portrayed. Many thanks to our loyal patrons as always and indeed to the many new faces we had the joy of meeting. 🎭
Celebrate Nollaig na mban by availing of the opportunity to win the rollover Jackpot, set at €560 if won at or under 53 numbers. Fifty two consecutive weeks of bingo last year, and hopefully we can replicate that in 2020 starting this Monday, January 6th.
AuthorsThe Glórach crew endeavours to keep you up to date and informed regarding events, shows and much more! Archives
June 2022